
Automatic Test Sequence

Automatic Test Sequence aids in automating the testing process, allowing the same sequence of events to be reproduced every time and simplifying the creation of new test sequences.


Automatic Test Sequence

Spreadsheet schedule entry.

Unlimited test schedules.

Unlimited test phases.

Up to 250 control variables

  • Ramp rate
  • Set point
  • Dwell
  • Hold-off
Conditional phase termination.

Repeat loops.

Conditional branching.

Ideal for multi-loop profile control.

Ideal for end of line test rigs and development test cells, Automatic Test Sequence can even be used to perform multivariable profile control in a wide range of industrial applications.

ATS is perfect for applications where the control sequence can be expressed as a sequence of stages, each with a range of control variables, ramp rates, dwell times, phase end conditions, etc.

ATS provides the user with a simple spreadsheet into which the control parameters for each stage are entered.

By structuring the control sequence, applying range limits and using drop down lists it is possible to prevent the user from defining a control sequence that is out of specification.

In addition to the control of analogue and digital signals ATS allows alarm schedules and Prodigy SLANG (sequence language) control programs to be incorporated as part of the control sequence.ats configuration

Automatic Test Sequence facility comes as standard in the Prodigy Complete package and is an add-on option in Lite or Classic packages.