
Industrial Dryer Process Monitoring

Industrial dryer process monitoring at a fibre manufacturing plant improves process knowledge and product consistency.

Following the installation of a new processing plant, inconsistent results were being produced which was narrowed down to a problem with the product dryers. The system was designed to monitor various temperatures, product weights and dryer speeds, in order to determine the nature of the drying process so that better control could be exercised over the end product.


Key Benefits


Industrial Dryer Process Monitoring

  • Better understanding of the process
  • More efficient cascade control
  • Improved product consistency
The various measurements taken were used to calculate other process parameters and all values were recorded for later analysis. Trend graphs were used to quickly highlight the differences in drying performance in relation to the weight of the product and the speed at which the material was passed through the dryers.

With this additional information, the engineers were then able to make changes to the product recipes so that consistently good product was made. The control mechanism adopted in the industrial dryers was also analysed using the system and changes were tried, ultimately ending in a complex series of cascade controls.

Having fulfilled its initial purpose, the system was then in a position to act as a supervisory system, monitoring for alarm conditions and providing production information.

If you have an industrial dryer application and would like more information please contact us.